Gathering Roses

Won’t you come into the garden?

I would like my roses to meet you.

     ~Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816)

rose of sharing

I am learning that one fundamental aspects of writing and reading blogs is creating community by sharing with one another–whether it be experiences, ideas, information or stories. By sharing, I learn more about creating a beautiful, inspired and simple life at Rose Cottage. There are some roses I have gathered and am sharing with you on this fine early spring day.

Bouquet of Roses

Bouquet of Roses from Camrose Hill

rose of remembrance

If I had a rose for every time I thought of you,

I’d be picking roses for a lifetime.

                                                                                                                  ~ Swedish Proverb

How have you “gathered roses” by creating memories?

Rose in My Garden and Other Flowery Vintage Music

Rose in My Garden and Other "Rosey" Vintage Music


Rose in My Garden and Grandmother Ione (c.1925)

rose of creating

{Rose} gardening is the art that uses flowers and plants as paint,

and the soil and sky as canvas.

                                                                                                 ~Elizabeth Murray

Bright and early Saturday morning,  Mi and I linger over a three-hour breakfast at the charming Savories European Bistro in the historic river town north of Rose Cottage. Our conversation is filled with ideas for some new projects sprinkled with generous helpings of laughter. I treasure this time well-spent with one of my most creative friends. Later, I gather a few vintage rose treasures that are just too sweet to pass by.

Vintage Moss Rose Creamer, Sugar Bowl and Teal Cup

Vintage Moss Rose Creamer, Sugar Bowl and Tea Cup in Dawn's Light

 Sixteen (yes–16!) vintage moss rose tea cups are gathered, along with moss rose berry and soup/salad bowls. Perfect for a spring tea party or luncheon to share with family and friends! Plus, there are a  few more treasures to share for creating  future memories…

Vintage Moss Rose Tea Cups with Moss and Roses

Vintage Moss Rose Tea Cups with Moss and Roses

Vintage Creamer and a Rose

Vintage Creamer and a Rose

Vintage Rose Chintz Creamer with Pink Roses

Vintage Rose Chintz Creamer with Pink Roses


rose of anticipation

A {rose} garden really lives only insofar as it is

an expression of faith,

the embodiment of a hope and the song of praise.

                                                                        ~Russell Page

Believe: April Showers Bring May Flowers

April Showers Bring May Flowers


rose of planning and doing

Gather ye rose-buds while ye may,
Old Time is still aflying,
And this same flower that smiles today,
Tomorow will be dying.

                                                         ~Robert Herrick

Getting Ready to Gather More "Roses"

Getting Ready to Gather More "Roses"

What are the roses you hope to gather this spring?


Filed under Gardening, Home, Uncategorized, Vintage

17 responses to “Gathering Roses

  1. I JUST LOVED YOUR POST today…Love all the roses and the china with the roses on them… Your pictures turned out amazing…

  2. What a beautiful post! Thank you for sharing it with us. Thank you too for your prayers on behalf of my mother.


  3. Leslie

    I have enjoyed your blog. Thanks for reminding me to “gather roses.” You have some lovely collections.

  4. What a beautiful blog and post. I agree we learn a lot from other bloggers in this wonderful world of blogging. I love your beautiful roses and all the sayings that go with them. Thank you for visiting my blog. And “Smell the Roses”

  5. Edie

    Good Morning Debbykay~
    What a lovely fragrant rose post. The moss rose teas set is just lovely and I can just imagine the flavorfull treats that will be served!

    The Camrose Hill roses are amazingly beautiful.. I can just hear the laughing with Mi and it tickles me inside the thought of those creative minds at play/work!

    Have a Fabtabulous day!

  6. Hi Debbiekay,
    thank you for visiting my blog- it is always nice to meet new people.
    your roses are gorgeous, thank you for sharing.

  7. Gathering Roses? You certainly have done that by gathering me! I was born a Rose and still think of myself as one, which is why it is my second middle name now! Why hyphen a name like that?

    I Love the tea set! And I loved the 3-hour “Breakfast at Savoires”, kind of has a ring to it don’t you think?


  8. Francesco


    What a treat to be able to take time to smell the roses, as you have done and encouraged us to do.

    In our American culture of go, go,GO,,,, it is wonderful that you are taking time to invest in relationships and sharing ideas. These is after all much more important than doing “things”.

    Very best regards

  9. Hi Debbykay,

    Love your new post. All those roses make me crave for early summer! Love that sweet rose creamer. So lovely, the beautiful lines! And those moss rose teacups. I see why you couldn’t pass them up!

    Have a wonderful day

  10. What a beautiful post! You definitely have a gift with lovely settings and pictures. I will be back!

  11. I love all your roses! I can’t wait until mine are blooming. Thanks for helping April start out rosy =}
    Have a great day.

  12. Dear Debby Kay,
    I am so delighted to have found your lovely Rose Cottage through my sweet friend Madai, at Forget Me Nots From Wren Cottage! I am so blessed by your beautiful writings and gorgeous photos! I look forward to reading your archives and your future posts!

    Oh, I love roses and have a Rose Cottage, too! Yours is full of cheerfulness, beauty, encouragement, inspiration and friendship. I feel most welcome here!

    All your roses and rose dishes are so pretty!!! Thank you for the lovely quotes and words of encouragement and for sharing the beauty of your Rose Cottage.

    Have a very blessed day!
    Love, Paula

  13. Debbiekay,

    Thank you so much for your visit to my blog and for your kind, generous words. I have enjoyed my sweet visit to your lovely world, and I look forward to many more. Your blog is so warm and inspiring. Please feel free, as well, to visit me anytime. Many blessings to you. I look forward to getting to know you better.


  14. rebekahp

    What wonderful thoughts you share on this beautiful blog. Fantastic writing and very creative photos!

  15. Beautifully spoken…The sheet music of roses, what a great find!
    Jo-Anne Coletti

  16. You have so eloquently described what “power” roses possess over our senses!! My grandmother left me some of her beautiful china tea cups when she went on to her heavenly home! Many of them are rose patterns in lovely pinks & yellows. They are the inspiration for my christmas tree every year as I hang the tea cups on my tree & then decorate around them. It’s like a little visit from my grandma every christmas!! You are truly inspired, DK!! Thanks for the “walk” through your rose “garden” of wondrous thoughts!!
    Love, CFK

  17. Jackie

    im looking for a square moss rose pitcher or vase. i have been looking for one for over 15 years and it will complete my collection. if anybody knows where to get one, or if you have one to sell let me know immediately please. thank you

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