Home Alone

“Haven’t you ever wondered what I did while alone?”

Mom or Dad: do you have a son or daughter that you sent off to travel the far corners of the earth or to pursue studies at college? If so, you know what it is like to wonder {read: worry!} what your son or daughter is doing and if he or she is OK. Each day, you pray your “child” is safe, makes good decisions and remembers all your pearls of wisdom! Right?!

Today, I receive an email from my very best boy–a senior at college living away from home. The subject line says: “Haven’t you ever wondered what I did while alone?” Immediately, my heart starts to palpitate. I pause for a second or two before opening the email. I finally find out one thing that my very best boy does after his studies are done! This is what he writes:

“Now you know,
This is what happens when I am left alone…”
Rolling out homemade cinnamon roll dough

Rolling out made-from-scratch cinnamon roll dough


Cutting dough into rolls

Cutting dough into rolls


Cinnamon rolls on cooling racks

Cinnamon rolls on cooling racks


"It is only good when it is fresh!"

"It is only good when it is fresh!"


A perfectfully executed work of art!

A perfectfully executed work of art!

 So what am I worried about?!



Filed under Cooking, Family, Uncategorized

13 responses to “Home Alone

  1. yum & yum and more yum.
    any chance i could find the reciepe somewhere for those gorgeous cinnamon rolls ?

  2. Edie

    Miss Debbykay~

    I do beieve he has taken a lesson or two from his favorite Mother and/or Nana! 🙂

    When is he on Spring break? I think I will put my order in now for a pan of those awesome rolls!

    Yes, we Parents do worry and often find out later it was such wasted energy! 🙂 As you see…


  3. Those Cinnamon Rolls look so yummy!!!! I would love to have the recipe. I love to bake… I often bake alot when I’m alone also..
    Hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. No way! Boy, you must have done something right!! My son is 5, and my daughter is almost 3…and right now, I’m more worried about what my daughter is going to get up to. She’s so full of “piss and vinegar.”

  5. Greetings Debbykay!
    Thank you for visiting with me today in The Sewing Room! I see we have similar interests in many things. I love all the vintage aprons you showed in a previous post. The “Chicken Scratch” ones are fun to make! And about our ‘children’ being gone away to college. My youngest daughter left for college in Alaska when she was 17. Leaving her there all alone was the most difficult thing I have ever had to do in my life! She was a trooper, got her BA there, went to work one summer in Denali, worked another summer in Glacier National Park and now is in New York about to recieve her Masters Degree and working on her PhD. at the same time. She will be working in Cameroon, Africa this summer! Talk about wonder and worry! I’ve done my share. And, I could mention the time she was left on the side of the road in Honduras by her taxi driver whose car broke down on the way to the airport…..
    Just let me say, my knees are very calloused! ;~}

  6. David

    I hope you enjoyed them!

  7. I see you have nothing to fear! What college guy would know how to whip up cinnamon buns from scratch…or even be inclined to try. They look amazing.

  8. Vee

    That’s so neat. The only thing that I’d worry about is that I was too far away to enjoy one of those yummy looking cinnamon rolls. Looks as if you did a great job raising your son!

  9. Mom

    He has learned well! His Nana is extremely proud that he once again he has mastered another task! I would love to see the picture of him and his sister baking when Mr David was about 5 years old! So now, this probably means that our usual Christmas Day plate of Swedish Tea Ring will be made by Mr David — I wonder if he will let me help him….humm.

    Your Mother

  10. Edie

    I think he will be out of practice by Christmas… Since he is on a “roll” how about making them on Sunday morning????? Love, Edie

  11. Naomi

    This made me hungry but ! I miss your smiles!

  12. These look delicious! I guess you won’t ever be worried about him again! 🙂

  13. Oh that is excellent and they look so good!!!

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