A Perpetual Astonishment: Spring (Ellis Peters)

greeting spring in the garden

Even though it is still wintery at Rose Cottage, the signs of spring are starting to slowly emerge! Yesterday, I received the best “spring is just around the corner” gift–the sweetest little herb garden for the kitchen window!

Hint of Spring - A Little Kitchen Herb Garden

Hint of Spring - A Little Kitchen Herb Garden

The fragrance of the rosemary, oregano and thyme just made my fingers itch for the rich, dark soil of the kitchen garden-even though there is over a foot of snow on the beds! Ruth Stout captured my sentiments when she wrote, “I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden.”  Where do you like to greet spring?

little signs of spring

The signs of spring have been hinting everywhere the past few days. Have you noticed the sun is a bit higher, the sky more blue and colorful bundles of tulips are blooming at the local markets? When I start seeing these signs of spring, the winter blues slowly melt away and I have renewed energy!

Alpine Flower - Lance-Leaved Springbeauty

Alpine Flower - Lance-Leaved Springbeauty

Melissa from The Inspired Room has posted 20 Little Things to Look Forward to In Spring. Besides hearing  the sweet song of Jenny Wren and the soft, deep-throated call of the bluebirds each morning, feeling invigorated again is one aspect of spring I anticipate most. 

more…20 more things to look forward to in spring

1. hanging linens on the clothes line (smell of fresh sheets-the best!)

2. watching bluebirds nesting in the dovecote

3. filling window boxes with all sorts of pink flowers

4. laying on carpets of soft green moss in the woods

5. wearing sandals

6. leaving the windows open at night and watching the curtains sway in the breeze

7. cutting fresh garlic chives from the kitchen garden

8. sitting on the porch swing with my VBS

9. grilling freshly-picked aspargus

10. watching the daffodil bulbs emerge from their slumber

11. listening to Jenny Wren sing a “good morning to you” song

12. collecting more turquoise and brown eggs from “the girls”

13. weeding

14. picking violets–especially “freckles”

15. listening for the hot air balloons overhead

16. planting early peas

17. smelling all the “earthy smells” as the ground comes out of hibernation

18. going to the farmer’s market on Saturday

19. tasting fresh maple syrup from the sugar bush

20. hearing the laughter of children

Alpine Spring Flower - Yellow Cinquifoil

Alpine Spring Flower - Yellow Cinquifoil

What would you add to YOUR list about “little things to look forward to in spring?”

Spring Flowering Moss

Spring Flowering Moss

And Spring arose on the garden fair,

Like the Spirit of Love felt everywhere;

And each flower and herb on Earth’s dark breast

rose from the dreams of its wintry rest.
~Percy Bysshe Shelley, “The Sensitive Plant”

Awaiting the Arrival of Spring

Awaiting the Arrival of Spring

(Photos taken at Hurricane Ridge in Washington.)

How are you awaiting the arrival of spring around your home?

Happy Spring!


Filed under Gardening, Home

22 responses to “A Perpetual Astonishment: Spring (Ellis Peters)

  1. Edie

    OMGosh Debbykay~
    I think this is the best yet…. 🙂 The little watering can and angels – just SOOOOOOO awesome.

    Spring I think is really going to come as we have the warm sun shining in warming me up. the kids are looking forward to Spring Break and I am totally ready to see what in my garden has wintered the wether this year! We had the deer sun bathing on the hill side this morning, a true sign of spring at our house on the hill!

    Create MORE!!!!!

  2. Thank you for stopping by! I love all your wonderful signs of spring. I would love to read a book in that flowering moss! How beautiful!

  3. So glad you could stop by- hope you enjoy the bread! You take such beautiful photos- makes me anxious to get my hands dirty!

  4. I love your list! And the flowering moss. We won’t see any flowers growing for quite a while here. But I’ll happily be buying a few bundles to spread around the house soon!

  5. you have a beautiful blog! I, too, love a window herb garden. and I am sooooo ready to smell Spring.

    • debbykay

      Thank you for stopping by for a chat! Don’t you think spring is just around the corner? Soon, the earth will be alive and really singing again! Hope you can come over again. I really love company!

  6. Daina

    Love the site DebbyKay. Really nicely executed. Hate to be a brat, but I’m in CA and it’s sunny and 80 degrees out today. =) We have one long season of summer mixed with a few days of rain, but there’s a rumor that we’re going to have to implement water rationing because it’s been so hot! I’m going to have to learn to not totally hate winter because Colorado is COLD (I’ve never been around snow for more than a couple of days and have never driven in it so it will be a learning curve for sure).

    • debbykay

      Hi Daina,

      Soooo glad you stopped by for a chat!! I have a picture from our snow the other day..check it out on the rose cottage cooks post! This is to prepare you for what lies ahead! The flip side is that are four seasons–the weather doesn’t get boring! When do you move to CO? Love and hugs, Debbykay

  7. Edie

    I have been looking out the window thinking that today I will smell the spring air.. At least that is my plan for the evening… Nice to see Darlene made it tot he blog as did Daina.. They will be good energy for you!!! 🙂

    Have a restful evening!

  8. Lisa

    Debbykay – There is so much creativity, bounty, and hope in the photos and writing on your blog. I have to giggle some, I have no green thumb and little interest in gaining one, but I can appreciate the results of your efforts – lovely. Your garden set your daughter off to perfection!

    My beacon of spring is the increased pacing my husband does as he waits for the lakes to open up. He has two seasons, open water season and pacing season. I have a single season, book reading. I must admit to an increase in catnapping accompanying my reading now that the sun is more intensely shining through the windows.

  9. Love your signs of spring! I can’t wait! Jen

  10. Here’s me……looking forward to spring!

  11. I adore your kitchen herb garden!

    happy spring!!

  12. Your one and only son

    I can’t wait for all those flowers to start poping up through the little bits of snow left on the gardens!! and the smells!!

    Even more exciting!! I had birds at my window bird feeder this morning chirping away! Also, I think one of them told me that it might be in the mid 40’s this week?! At lest lets hope so…. It’s March, that means winter is almost over!

  13. Ohhh what a lovely spring post you have! I have been wishing and wishing for spring… it seems yours is earlier than ours but I am SO enjoying your peeks at spring. I can’t wait to get in my yard and clean up the gardens…

    xoxo Heather

  14. What a pretty post. I am so looking forward to spring. My favorite time of the year… Just love the colors & all the flowers.
    I just love your blog and thank you for the comment. I’ll definitely be back to visit.

  15. Last spring I overwhelmed my blog with similar “Signs of Life” and I plan to do it again this year. It just takes a little longer here in Northern IN. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  16. rebekahp

    The other day I was walking down the street and was struck with an overwhelming floral aroma! I didn’t know what hit me–I was so surprised.

    The cherry blossoms are coming out now and they always look stunning with the hopeful pink blossom against a dark rainy sky. Soon the dark rainy days will go away and the flowers will blossom in full force!

  17. I can’t wait for Spring (I am sure you could tell from my last post!). Loved your post.


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